Material for Pattern Floors: Calculation Formulas
Our parquet flooring is available in six colors and three different sizes as shown at right.
Using the precision tounge and groove and Slip Tongue (ST) construction, the sizes can be fitted together to create patterns.
Some patterns use one or two of the three sizes available. Some patterns may have a different waste factors than the standard 10%. Please refer to details at right to order the correct amount of materials for the color(s) and pattern you are installing.
Diagonal installation: Add additional 10% waste factor.
Three Sizes Available
All dimensions are nominal
A: Square Block: 4-3/4” x 4-3/4”
B: 4-3/4” Pattern: 4-3/4” x 23-5/8”
C: 6” Plank: 6” x RL up to 71”
Braided Three Plank
Square Block: One per each sq ft of flooring plus 5% waste factor
Pattern: Total s/f plus 5% waste factor
Braided Four Plank
Square Block: One for every 2 sq ft of flooring plus 5% waste factor
Pattern: Total s/f plus 5% waste factor
Marie Antoinette
Pattern: 2/3 of total s/f plus 10% waste factor
Plank: 1/3 of volume plus 50% waste factor. Cut to 53-3/16” (1350 mm)
Four Square
Pattern: 4/5th of total s/f plus 10% waste factor
Plank: 1/5th of floor area plus 20% waste factor
Squares with block highlight
Square Block: One per each sq ft of flooring plus 5% waste factor
Pattern: Total s/f plus 5% waste factor
Pattern: Total s/f plus 10% waste factor
Double Herringbone
Pattern: Total s/f plus 10% waste factor
Triple Basket Weave
Pattern: Total s/f plus 10% waste
Pattern: Total s/f plus 10% waste factor
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